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Single 'Unmet Needs'

 Step into a world where beats mirror unspoken desires. "Unmet Needs" transforms the dance floor into a realm of shared longing, an electric pulse connecting strangers. Amidst pulsating rhythms, find synergy in the unspoken language of movement, meeting souls with parallel yearnings. This track fuels connections on the dance floor, a sonic invitation to explore the uncharted realms of shared desires. Elevate your club experience with "Unmet Needs", where the music is more than a sound; it's a bridge to meaningful connections.


Release Dates:  

16th February, 2024 (Bandcamp)

15th March, 2024 (all other stores)

Stayed tuned and have some Good Vibes for YOUR Day!


Single 'Emphasis'

Dive into the transformative beats of Fantomacs' new single, 'Emphasis'. This dynamic track weaves a musical tapestry of self-discovery and renewal, capturing the essence of individuals reshaping their lives with newfound purpose. Fantomacs' signature blend of emotive melodies and infectious rhythms creates an immersive experience, echoing the universal journey of giving life a fresh emphasis. With its pulsating energy and soulful undertones, 'Emphasis' is not just a song; it's an anthem for those seeking to redefine their narrative and embrace a vibrant, purpose-driven existence.

Scheduled Release Date:  19th April 2024

Stayed tuned and have some Good Vibes for YOUR Day!


Here, new projects / events will be announced to keep YOU informed in advance. Moreover, sneak-previews, audio clips and promotion videos as well as Listening Partys or LIVE! Video Sessions will be made available prior to the release or event. So come across from time to time and stay tuned.

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Discover the brandnew Fantomacs Store with lots of new stuff!

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FantoTape - Special Edition

Discover the brand-new FantoTape limited edition series containing the songs released so far on a single, customized, beautifully packed veggie-leather-finish USB-stick!

Three different editions are available:

  • Silver Edition (2019-2021)
  • Gold Edition (2019-2022)
  • Platinum Edition (2019-2023)

Up to 6 1/2 hours of music of different styles and genres on USB-stick - you will definitely not getting bored, promised!

NEW Fantomacs Merch - Signature Bottle!

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NEW Fantomacs Merch - Signature Spectacle Cleaning Cloth!

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Fantomacs 'Zen'

For those of you who are inspired by my ambient & chillout music and would like to dive even deeper into the relaxation process, I recommend this new relaxing 'Zen' section.


Here you can find a collection of videos, meditations that have been produced in collaboration with Heidi Marlen Grau and music playlists collating ambient music.

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